The beached humpback whale was rescued at Namibia Beach after a 45-hour rescue operation.

“The OCN team is traveling to Sandwich Harbour, Namibia, one of the world’s most stunning locations.

To save a stranded humpback whale is the team’s goal. The Namibian Dolphin Project is also en route to provide assistance.

When the squad gets to the beach, they discover the whale. It’s healthy and alive right now.

The team instantly comes together and gets to work coming up with a strategy to get the whale back into the water. To try and get the whale’s head oriented toward the ocean and to get it back in, they decide to use ropes.

The team begins to push the whale towards the direction of the water. The whale might easily turn over and break someone’s legs, making it a dangerous situation.

The crew takes precautions and keeps an eye out for the whale’s fluke. They advance the whale as the water fills the gap.


The team is making progress, but the whale is becoming more agitated and the waves are getting bigger. The team takes care to keep an eye out for the whale’s fin and to quickly retreat if it begins to roll over.

The team finally succeeds in returning the whale to the water after a lot of effort. Everyone is in a happy, relieved state. The group is returning, but because of the high tide, they must pass across the dunes instead of returning on the beach.

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