What Makes A Most Glamorous Woman Politician?

Glamorous women in politics are like stars of TV shows. They are the next big thing and everyone wants to be them. But you have to remember that they were once little girls, so make sure you are not trying to emulate their look. You have to be original and be more feminine. Try to wear simple elegant clothes, but still look extremely elegant and classy.

Arrange for the best shoes and dresses for your entire entourage. Most glamorous women politicians in the world usually consider expensive, designer clothing as extremely girly. According to a recent survey conducted all over the world to identify the most glamorous women politicians in the world, the results are quite interesting. The top two positions that were voted as most glamorous women politicians in the world were that of Kiran Bedi and Sonia Gandhi of India and H R Rajaratnam of Sri Lanka. The other two politicians who topped the list of second-most glamorous women politicians in the world are Michelle Obama of the USA and Kim Jong Il of North Korea. All these three women represent different countries on different continents.

Being glamorous women politicians, they always try to look different from their counterparts, both in their country and internationally. Having different hairstyles, wearing saris, dressing in foreign national colors, having a different style of dressing altogether is something that they always try to do. However, most importantly, these top politicians have one thing in common, that is that all of them are very patriotic. In the same way, you should try to do the same while serving your nation.

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