A two-meter-tall alien figure suddenly materialized in a Colombian town (Video)

who are more than two meters tall, have robotic voices, and wear all-black clothing in Guasimal. a small farming community close to Zarzal on Colombia’s west coast.

They would have written books, made documentaries, and even made a movie if this had occurred in the US.
However, in 2012 there was little interest in the testimonies of some 300 workers who claimed to have seen the objects from which these “humanoids” emerged, and only a few local media outlets covered reports about extraterrestrial humanoids and few videos provided by UFO researchers.

El Tiempo claims that there were sporadic reports of the alien humanoids throughout the city for the following six years, but sadly there was no photographic or video evidence. When farmer Diego Mondragón captured his encounter with the creatures that had been spotted on a neighbor’s land in December 2018, that all changed.

Humanoid aliens in Colombia As a result of previous interactions with them, Mondragón was able to understand what was taking place, but other agricultural workers became terrified and a shot was fired. I walked to the farm’s fence to advise them to settle down and to be tranquil after leaving the home.

According to Mondragón, the five humanoids spoke to him in a robotic voice and allowed him to record their message on his phone because he had previously spoken with them.

“We have been given permission to visit and spread a message of love, loyalty, and sacrifice for humanity. One of the communications from the extraterrestrial humanoids said, “Love one another because very soon the human species will pass away and we will receive a small seed from it.


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